Query Focused Multi-lingual Multi-document Summarization Towards Information Retrieval in Indian Language

Oct 3, 2021·
Suman Kundu
Suman Kundu
· 1 min read

Funding: SEED Grant from IIT Jodhpur, INR 18.5 Lakh


  • Dr. Lipika Dey, Professor, Ashoka University
  • Mr. Prasenjeet Roy, PhD Candidate, IIT Jodhpur


The project is to develop methodologies and algorithms that will generate multi-lingual summarization from multiple documents having different languages. In the primary phase we are working on Hindi and English languages.

Suman Kundu
Assistant Professor of Computer Science and Engineering
My research interests include social network analysis, network data science, streaming algorithms, big data, granular computing, soft computing, fuzzy and rough sets.