CSL4050: Data Visualization (Spring 2024)
Table of Contents
- Credits L-T-P [C]: 3-0-3 [4.5]
- Expectation from 4000 level course:
- 1 Contact Hr + 2 Non-Contact Hr
- Learn by Assignments/Experiments
- Where: LHB 105
- Slot: A (Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday 9:00 AM - 9:50 AM)
- Lab Slot: Will be Announced
- LMS: Moodle
- Credential: Internet ID/Password
- Easy Enrollment Code: ka9858
- Introduction: Data for Graphics, Design principles, Value for visualization, Categorical, time series, and statistical data graphics, Introduction to Visualization Tools
- Graphics Pipeline: Introduction, Primitives: vertices, edges, triangles, Model transforms: translations, rotations, scaling, View transform, Perspective transform, window transform
- Aesthetics and Perception: Graphical Perception Theory, Experimentation, and the Application, Graphical Integrity, Layering and Separation, Color and Information, Using Space Effectively
- Visualization Design: Visual Display of Quantitative Information, Data-Ink Maximization, Graphical Design, Exploratory Data Analysis, Heat Map
- Multidimensional Data: Query, Analysis and Visualization of Multi-dimensional Relational Databases, Interactive Exploration, tSNE
- Interaction: Interactive Dynamics for Visual Analysis, Visual Queries, Finding Patterns in Time Series Data, Trend visualization, Animation, Dashboard, Visual Storytelling
- Collaboration: Graph Visualization and Navigation, Online Social Networks, Social Data Analysis, Collaborative Visual Analytics, Text, Map, Geospatial data
Lab Content
- Visualization Design, Exploratory data analysis, Interactive Visualization Tools like Gephi, D3, etc. Mini Project.
- We will be using Python Dash, R-Shiny, D3 JS, Grephi in our lab work
Learning Materials
- E. TUFTE (2001), The Visual Display of Quantitative Information, Graphics Press, 2nd Edition.
- J. KOPONEN, J. HILDÉN (2019), Data Visualization Handbook, CRC Press.
Reference Books
- M. LIMA (2014), The Book of Trees: Visualizing Branches of Knowledge, Princeton Architectural Press.
- R. TAMASSIA (2013), Handbook of Graph Drawing and Visualization, CRC Press.
- S. MURRAY (2017), Interactive Data Visualization for the Web, O’Reilly Press, 2nd Edition.
Attendance Requirement
As per the notification from academics 100% attendance is mandatory. If you have genuine reason please take leave approval as per academics rule.
Grading Policy
Quizzes (slido) | Mini Project | Lab Assignments | Minors | Major |
10% | 10% | 30% | 15% + 15% | 20% |
Quizzes (Slido)
- Each class will have 2 to 3 quizzes on slido. On mobile or laptop.
- Questions will be on understanding level
- 75% of the quizzes will be part of the grading
- Leader board will be shown each class
Mini Project
- Students need to build visualization project as part of the lab exercise
- Projects can be done in group, number of group members will be decided after the add-drop date.
Lab Assignment
- There is 9 different assignments out of which 7 is graded
- Please follow the deadlines
- No copy paste from friends. Plagiarism policy will be followed if found
- All of the lab assignments are already uploaded in moodle
- Don’t copy from Github or public repo!
- If found will be marked zero
- However, you can select a Github project on visualization and make substantial changes as part of your project. In this case share the changes you have made in the project.
Plagiarism tolerance is 7% from single source and 15% cumulative, anything more will reduce your marks as follows:
- Any logical/conceptual/formulation plagiarism: zero marks
- Other form of plagiarism (above 50%): zero marks
- Otherwise: Percentage of plagiarism will be deducted from the obtained mark